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치트 입니다.
작성자 jym1984
2006.12.05 21:38
조회  4,340
게임중에 F8을 누르시고 치트를 입력하시고 엔터를 누르시면 됩니다. 직접 확인해봤는데 치트 잘 되더군요. 게임 홈페이지에서 찾아서 구했습니다. Cheat mode: Press [F8] during game play to display the console window. Enter one of the following case-sensitive codes, then press [F8] again to close the console window and to activate the corresponding cheat function. Press [Up] or [Down] with the console window open to move through previously entered commands. Effect Code Enable developer debug menu and keys :externInclude developer:main Open a nearby door : externInclude developer:open_door Aliens spawn and attack : externInclude developer:spawn_alienattack Ammunition for all weapons and 100 flashlight energy : externInclude developer:reloadstuff All weapons : externInclude developer:givestuff Warp player 300 units forward on map : externInclude developer:warpforward Warp player 3,000 units forward on map : externInclude developer:warpmore Full health : externInclude developer:fullhealth All keys for level : externInclude developer:giveallkeys Lose all keys for level : externInclude developer:loseallkeys Open all remote doors : externInclude developer:openallremotedoors Close all remote doors : externInclude developer:closeallremotedoors God mode : externInclude developer:immortal God mode, full health, all weapons, ammo, upgrades : externInclude developer:stuffed Spawn Alien Type 0 : externInclude developer:developer_spawn_alien1 Spawn Alien Type 4 : externInclude developer:developer_spawn_alien2 Spawn Alien Type 9 : externInclude developer:developer_spawn_alien3 Spawn Alien Type 11 : externInclude developer:developer_spawn_alien4 Win current : mission setMissionSuccessCounter 1 Lose current mission, crashes game : setMissionFailureCounter 1 Hide user interface : hideGUI Show user interface : showGUI Display message : message All AI disabled, doors immovable : disableAllAI All AI enabled, doors movable : enableAllAI Quit game : quit Enemies cannot move : enableHostileAI Enemies move again : disableHostileAI
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