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작성자 gamess
2001.06.14 01:51
조회  2,600
Unreal Cheat Key To use the cheats, hit tab then put them in: ?─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────? ?Cheat |Description ? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ?allammo |This gives you all the ammunition ? ?god |Invunerability ? ?fly |Fly mode ? ?ghost |Go through walls ? ?walk |Stops Ghost and Fly modes ? ?playersOnly |Freezes time. To reset type it again. ? ?open (mapname) |Opens a map ? ?Amphibious |Type Amphibious in the console to get unlimited swimming time ? ?Invisibility |Type Invisible (1/0) to turn invisibility on and off respectively ? ?SloMo |Type SloMo to change the spped of the game (Slomo 2.0 = twice as fast) ? ?Change FOV (Field Of Vision) |Type SetDesiredFOV *** to change your FOV (*** = a number from 1 to 179). This should be welcomed by the Quake 2 fans out there. ? ?Navigation Part 1 |Type rememberspot for the game to remember your current location (see Show Path below) ? ?Navigation Part 2 |Displays recommended path to the place remembered by RememberSpot. Displays a beacon. When you touch that beacon, it show you the next one. ? ?Temporary status bar |Type TempStatus (0/1) to turn the Temporary Status Bar off and on respectively ? ?View Class |Type in ViewClass *** to see the game from that class point of view (ViewClass SkaarjWarrior = Skaarjs POV). If that doesnt work try "ViewClass class SkaarjWarrior" ? ?Change Jumping Height |Type in Jumpz *** to change your jumping height (260 is default) ? ?Kill all actors |Type in KillAll *** to kill all the actors in that class (killall nali = kills all nali, DUH) ? ?List the inventory |Prints your inventory to the log. ? ?CJShKSDDKkhhasUy77639MBD (case sensitive) |All monsters become member of Welcome Back Kotter ? ?summon (itemname) |Adds and Item or monster to the level ? ?summon eightball |Adds the eightball launcher ? ?summon flakcannon |Adds the flakcannon ? ?summon nali |Adds a Nali ? ?summon skarrjwarrior |Adds a skarrj warrior ? ?summon health |Get Health Pack ? ?summon superhealth |Get Superhealth (+100) ? ?summon quadshot |Get a Quad shot gun seen in early screenshots. You need this file to use it. ? ?summon cannon |Get a cannon, not sure what it does though ? ?behindview 1 |Puts you in a Tomb Raider II style view. ? ?behindview 0 |Resets Behindview1 ? ?suicide |A sudden heart attack ? ?flush |If you start getting weird garbage graphics on wall textures or creatures, type this. It gets rid of this. ? ???──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────?? Thanks to Defiant, Jason, EvelGod, Dan Fleming, and Digital Disturbance for sending me cheats!
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